Celebrating a Winner

One of the first celebrations of the Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff Historical Society's (GH/MCHS) 50th anniversary was entering a cake at the Grandview Heights Schools’ BOBCake Bash, formerly known as the cakewalk. Based on a bit of local history of Grandview Heights girls dancing around a maypole (as illustrated in a 1918 photograph from the Alleyne Higgs collection), the cake's maypole theme was chosen. The maypole dance is a ceremonial folk dance performed around a tall pole with ribbons that are woven into complex patterns by the dancers.

The chocolate maypole cake was decorated with chocolate icing on two layers representing the ground with variations of green icing and colored sprinkles scattered on the top layer for grass and flowers. At the top of the maypole a small flag with yellow, blue, and purple ribbons announced the Society's anniversary. 

 The cake won a blue ribbon first prize under the category of "Best Decorated." It was sold as a donation to the Grandview Heights Music Department.


Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication June 23, 2004)


Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication March 24, 2004)